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Jill Bormann

Mantram Repetition Program


How can I improve my health and wellbeing?


I offer consulting and coaching services to individuals and organizations to get the benefits from implementing mindful techniques from the Mantram Repetition Program (MRP). Research demonstrates that the MRP reduces psychological distress, improves health and wellbeing, and helps us slow down and focus attention to improve personal performance.


I learned about mantram repetition from Sri Eknath Easwaran, a spiritual teacher who founded the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation in Tomales, CA. Please explore the site to access a wide range of useful resources, research, and media.


If you are interested in learning more about the MRP, please contact me.



About Mantram

A mantram (Sanskrit word meaning “to cross the mind”) is a word of power, a deeper inner level of speech containing divine syllables or sounds that have been handed down for generations. Mantrams have spiritual associations and when repeated silently, continually, throughout the day or night, mantram repetition helps one to:

  • Focus attention

  • Slow thinking for mental clarity, increased awareness

  • Interrupt the stress response

  • Produce a mental change in the person who repeats it

  • Tap into one's inner spiritual resource

  • Transform consciousness


Jill E. Bormann

Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.

Jill E. Bormann

Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.

Jill Bormann is a Clinical Professor at the Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science/Beyster Institute of Nursing Research at the University of San Diego. She is also a Research Health Scientist and a board-certified Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. She has pioneered a program of research on health-related outcomes of the Mantram Repetition Program (MRP), a spiritually-integrated intervention for symptom management.


Dr. Bormann’s research articles are available on PubMed.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Dr. Bormann.

Other Archived Publications




Get In Touch

Jill is available for consultation, speaking and group training engagements.


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