The Mantram Repetition Program
The Mantram Repetition Program was originally developed as an 8 week, face-to-face, 90-minutes per week, group program. Most of the earliest research was conducted using this delivery method. Over time, however, the delivery of the program as changed in order to make it more accessible.
Three components:
Choosing a mantram, using it as much as possible throughout the day and at night before sleep.
Using a mantram to slow down thoughts, to pause, avoid mistakes, and reduce time pressure.
Using a mantram to develop one-pointed attention, improve concentration and focus on one thing at a time, to avoid multi-tasking.
The reading material for the program is the text:
Strength in the Storm: Transform stress and live in balance and peace of mind. Easwaran, E. (2013). Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Press.
But it is helpful to also read:
The Mantram Handbook (5th ed.). Easwaran, E. (2008). Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Press.
These are 4 Self-Learning Mantram Modules developed to address each of the 3 skills (mantram repetition, slowing down, one-pointed attention, and putting it all together):
How does Mantram Repetition differ from other programs?
A common question arises regarding how the Mantram program differs from mindfulness-based stress reduction and transcendental meditation. While all these mindfulness practices aim to help individuals live in the present moment and accept their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, the approaches they use vary.
The Mantram program incorporates simple, portable tools that utilize the repetition of a word or phrase, known as a Mantram, to naturally slow breathing and enhance awareness. This method differs from traditional mindfulness practices that often focus on concentrating on the breath or observing thoughts and feelings as they pass by.
In contrast to transcendental meditation, where participants are required to meet with a teacher who assigns a specific mantra intended to help transcend or rise above the thinking process, the Mantram program encourages individuals to heighten their awareness of their own thoughts. The use of a Mantram makes it clear whether one is engaged in the practice or not, providing a straightforward and accessible approach that many find easier to adopt and understand.
Overall, while all these practices share the common goal of promoting mindfulness and emotional acceptance, the Mantram program offers a distinct method through its use of simple, self-directed repetition techniques that emphasize present-moment awareness and ease of use.
Teaching Materials
Download the original 8-week All Purpose Mantram Repetition Manual used in Dr. Bormann's research.
Download the original 8-week All Purpose Instructor Guide used in Dr. Bormann's research.
Download a 5-page Mantram Repetition handout.