Mantram Repetition Resources
Getting Started
This series of 4 videos will help you learn a set of portable and spiritually based skills that can assist you in managing negative thoughts and feelings. Using a mantram can help you manage life’s daily hassles and live in the present. These meditation-based tools for emotional regulation are easy to implement in a busy routine and should be exercised frequently.
Mantram Session 1
What Mantram is and How to Choose One
Mantram Session 2
Slowing Down
Mantram Session 3
One Pointed Attention
Mantram Session 4
Putting it all Together
Video interview with Jill about Mantram: “On Call with the Prairie Doc | June 14, 2018 (8 minutes)
Veterans with PTSD Talk about Mantram Repetition (5 minutes)
Jill Bormann joins the SDSU Speaker Series with the lecture “A Mind, Body, Spiritual Stress-Buster: Would YOU Like One? To listen, click here: Story of Mantram Repetition and Research
(15 minutes).