Commonly Recommended Mantrams
Om mani padme hum
(Ohm mah-nee pahd-may hume)
An invocation to the jewel (Self), in the lotus of the heart
Namo Butsaya
(Nah-mo Boot-see-yah)
I bow to the Buddha
My God and My All
St. Francis of Assisi's phrase
Lord of the Heart (Aramaic)
Kyrie Eleison
(Kir-ee-ay Ee-lay-ee-sone)
Lord have mercy
Christe Eleison
(Kreest-ay Ee-lay-ee-sone)
Christ have mercy
Jesus, Jesus
Son of God
Hail Mary or Ave Maria
Mother of Jesus
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me
Jesus Prayer
(* see longer version below ”Haré Rama, Hare Krishna)
Eternal joy within
(Gandhi's mantram)
Om Namah Shivaya
(Ohm Nah-mah Shee-vah-yah)
Invocation to beauty and fearlessness
Om Prema
(Ohm Pray-Mah)
A call for universal love
Om Shanti
(Ohm Shawn-tee)
Invocation to eternal peace
Peace, completeness
So Hum
(So Hum)
Hindu for I am that Self within
Barukh Atah Adonoi
(Bah-rookh At-tah Ah-doh-nigh)
Hebrew for Blessed Art Thou, King of the Universe
Ribono Shel Olam
(Ree-boh-no Shel O-lahm)
Hebrew for Lord of the Universe
Bismallah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
(Beese-mah-lah ir-Rah-mun ir-Rah-heem)
Arabic—In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Wakan Tanka
(Wah-Kahn Tahn-Kah)
O Great Spirit
* Haré Rama, Haré Rama, Rama Rama, Haré Haré, Haré Krishna, Haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Haré Hare
Sanskrit names of 3 Supreme Beings: "Hare," "Krishna," and "Rama”
Used by Herbert Benson for relaxation response